BJP turns it into a den of corruption
From: Media Cell AAP <> Fri, 12 Jun '15 6:29p
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
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The BJP-ruled three Municipals Corporations of Delhi (MCDs) have miserably failed in performing their basic duties and their functioning has totally collapsed.

There was no reason for the sanitation workers strike to have continued after the announcement by the Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on June 8 (Monday) that Rs around 500 crore will be immediately released for payment of their salary arrears.

After this categorical announcement, there was no reason for the continuation of the strike, but the BJP’s mayors deliberately misled the poor workers and virtually instigated them to not only continue with the strike, but commit an inhuman crime of throwing garbage on roads.

Time and again, courts of law have termed the MCD as inefficient and corrupt organizations, the latest example being recent CBI raids in the offices of MCD (North).

This MCDs have not only let the residents of national capital badly down, but have created a situation of health hazard in the city.

Equally shocking is the stunned silence of the BJP’s central government on the criminal negligence by a civic agency in the national capital controlled by it.

The shame heaped on the people of Delhi by BJP-controlled MCDs leave nobody in doubt  
that this one of the most corrupt organizations in the world has no financial discipline and no norms to enforce efficiency.

Union Finance Minister Mr Arun Jaitley had allocated a sum of Rs 2000 crore for the MCD of which not a single rupee has been released so far.

The AAP challenges the BJP to answer the following the questions :

1)      Despite doubling its parking charges, where has that money gone ? Can MCD make public its parking collection ?
2)      Why has the property tax collection of MCDs declined ?
3)      Is it not a fact that Delhi High Court had on October 30 commented that the MCD had converted Swacch Bharat Abhiyan into a mere ritual ?
4)      Did the High Court not tell the MCD on November 5 last year that it is running a Dirty India campaign ?
5)      Why has the MCD not asked for Rs 550 crore announced by the central government for Swacch Bharat Abhiyan ?


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