
Showing posts from July 3, 2016
Typhoon Nepartak :Evacuation of half a million people in China JULY 9, 2016  |  NARESH SAGAR |  EDIT More than 422,000 people have been evacuated from Fujian province in south China as typhoon Nepartak, which battered Taiwan, lashed China’s east coast, toppling houses and damaging roads. China has already had to contend with some of the worst flooding the country has experienced in years, which has left 164 people dead in 11 provinces, according to the Civil Affairs Ministry
Typhoon Nepartak causes evacuation of half a million people in China More than 422,000 people have been evacuated from Fujian province in south China as typhoon Nepartak, which battered Taiwan, lashed China’s east coast, toppling houses and damaging roads. China has already had to contend with some of the worst flooding the country has experienced in years, which has left 164 people dead in 11 provinces, according to the Civil Affairs Ministry, as cited by AP.
he Asian news Daily HEADLINES ART & ENTERTAINMENT TECHNOLOGY BUSINESS SCIENCE WORLD POLITICS #SOCIALMEDIA #SMM MORE Saturday, Jul. 09, 2016 Next update in about 17 hours  Archives ROOKIE A GO-GO経験バンドに訊く「フジロックってなんだ?」Vol.5: 後藤正文(ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION/Gotch & The Good New Times) Shared by ありつき  – 20回目の開催を機に、ROOKIE A GO-GO出演経験バンドに「自分にとってのフジロック」「フジロックが果たした役割」「これからのフジロック」etc…について訊くシリーズ企画。ゲートをくぐりグリーンステージ制覇に到ったバンドもいれば、去年のROOKIEに出たばかりのニューカマー、そして今は音楽活動とは別の道に進んだバンドも存在する。彼らの言葉を通して見えてくるフジロックの20年、そしてこ… Today: ASIA News, Jul 06, 2016 Shared by Alexander International  – Jul 6, 2016 ASIA News, Jul 06, 2016 Asia Times – Asian news hub covering geo-political news and current … July 6, 2016 / by Asia Unhedged · yuan 2 … BEIJING (Reuters) – China is implementing re… Asian Tech Corporates’ Fintech Bets: Where Rakuten, RenRen, And Tencent Are Investing Shared by xiQ ai...