New Delhi Samachar HEADLINES PHOTOS VIDEOS WORLD POLITICS CRIME #BENGHAZI #CLINTON MORE Friday, Apr. 29, 2016 Next update in about 24 hours Archives Ty Woods’ Dad Seeks Benghazi Answers On Capitol Hill Shared by Daniel John Sobieski - Benghazi: As new whistle-blowers emerge and Congress tells CIA staffers to lawyer up, a grieving father demands to know how and why his son died and why no one in the administration wants to talk t... Lying About Benghazi Sole Hillary Accomplishment Shared by Daniel John Sobieski - Scandal: Documents from Judicial Watch show that Hillary Clinton’s closest advisers knew from the onset, before she launched an inflammatory video lie, that Benghazi was a terrorist attack for whic... Hillary Clinton’s Shameful Intimidation Of Gregory Hicks Shared by Daniel John Sobieski ...
Showing posts from April 24, 2016