Re-energising Doha
Pascal Lamy Director General of WTO and Doha negotiation addressing at FICCI said global economic crisis is spanning all countries North South rich and poor natural calamities are pouring a crisis threatens globe and undo eonomic growth erode public faith in International trade. Commerce Minister, Mr. Anand Sharma said this is critical for future prosperity of developed and developing economies. He called upon the international community to work collectively to provide guidance for a clear road map of multilateral engagement for successful conclusion of Doha talks by 2010. He expressed confidence that meeting will provide the much needed impetus to the process. Mr. Anand Sharma said, though many issues have been settled, but there are still gaps and large number of unresolved issues. He asserted that the present meet can collectively outline the way forward with a fair solution to these issues. The Commerce Minister said, the global community needs to look at various approaches to feed...