Obdurate irregularities in the conduction Amarnath Yatra
बाबा अमरनाथ यात्रा पावन यात्रा का सुरक्षा और सुविधा संरक्षण नहीं
जम्मू कश्मीर के राज्यपाल बाबा अमरनाथ यात्रा के पदेन संरक्षक होते है परन्तु वर्त्तमान राज्यपाल हिन्दुओ की इस पावन यात्रा का संरक्षण नहीं इसको समाप्त करने का कार्य कर रहे है | यह आरोप लगाते हुए विश्व हिन्दू परिषद् के संरक्षक अशोक सिंहल ने आज दिल्ली में पत्रकारों को संबोधित करते हुए कहा कि गत कुछ वर्षो से लिए गए इनके निर्णयों से स्पष्ट होता है कि ये हिन्दू आस्थाओं से नहीं अलगाववादियों की इच्छाओं से प्रभावित होकर यात्रा के सम्बन्ध में निर्णय ले रहे है | भारत की इस कठिनतम यात्रा में आनी वाली कठिनाइयो को देखते हुए ही वहा की राज्य सरकार ने अमरनाथ जी श्राइन बोर्ड की स्थापना की थी और राज्यपाल को इसका पदेन अध्यक्ष नियुक्त किया गया था | इनको यात्रियों की सुरक्षा और सुविधा का ध्यान रखते हुए यात्रा की व्यवस्था करने का दायित्व दिया गया | प्रारम्भ के कुछ वर्षो में इस बोर्ड ने कई उल्लेखनीय कार्य भी किये | परन्तु दुर्भाग्य से वर्त्तमान राज्यपाल वे काम कर रहे है जो इनको नहीं करने चाहिए और वे अपने संवैधानिक दायित्व की पूर्णरूपेण उपेक्षा कर रहे है | किसी भी धार्मिक यात्रा का मुहूर्त और अवधि उस धर्म का आतंरिक मामला है जिसमे किसी भी बोर्ड या सरकार को दखल देने का अधिकार नहीं है | संविधान के अनुच्छेद २५,२६ तथा श्राइन बोर्ड एक्ट स्पष्ट रूप से इस काम के लिए मना करते है | उनका काम मार्गो को चौड़ा करना ,अस्पतालों का निर्माण ,वैकल्पिक मार्गो की खोज,आश्रय स्थलों का निर्माण आदि है परन्तु वे अपनी क्षमता का पूरा दुरुपयोग केवल यात्रा की अवधि को सीमित करने में लगा रहे है | ऐसा लगता है वे यात्रा का विकास नहीं ,विनाश चाहते है |
२००९ तक यात्रा की अवधि ६० दिन की ही थी| यात्रियों की बढ़ती हुई संख्या को देखते हुए अवधि बढानी चाहिए थी | परन्तु उस समय अलगाववादी नेताओं ने इसकी अवधि को घटाते हुए ३० दिन की करने की धमकी दी थी | उसके बाद २०१० में ५५ दिन किया गया और २०११ में ४५ दिन की कर दिया गया | हिन्दू समाज के विरोध के बावजूद अब २०१२ में इसे ३९ दिन की कर दिया गया | इस वर्ष ८ लाख यात्री अपेक्षित है | यदि राज्यपाल जी की मानी जाए तो कम से कम २२००० यात्री को प्रतिदिन दर्शन कराया जाएगा | उपलब्ध सुविधाओं के आधार पर एक दिन में अधिकतम १०००० यात्री दर्शन कर सकेगा | इस स्थिति में या तो वहा अराजकता बनेगी जिसका परिणाम यात्रियों के जीवन से खिलवाड़ होगा या आधे से अधिक यात्री दर्शन करने के संवैधानिक अधिकार से वंचित रहेगे | दोनों ही परिस्थिति में राज्यपाल महोदय अपने संवैधानिक दायित्व की अवहेलना करेगे| उन्होंने श्राइन बोर्ड में उन सदस्यों को भी रखा है जिनकी बाबा अमरनाथ में कोई श्रद्धा नहीं है | शायद इसीलिए यह बोर्ड हिन्दू विरोधी निर्णय लेता है | वे इस षडयंत्र को लागू करने के लिए निराधार तर्क दे रहे है | वे कहते है किइस वर्ष ज्येष्ठ पूर्णिमा ४ जून को होने के कारण मार्ग साफ़ नहीं करा सकेगे | २२००० फुट की उचाई पर स्थित मानसरोवर और १२००० फुट की उचाई पर स्थित केदारनाथ की यात्रा जब अप्रैल माह में शुरू होकर ६ माह चल सकती है तो १३००० फुट की उचाई पर स्थित अमरनाथ की यात्रा ज्येष्ठ पूर्णिमा(४ जून ) से शुरू होकर २ माह क्यों नहीं चल सकती ? इन खोखले तर्कों से उनका मंतव्य समझ में आता है| वे झूठे तर्कों के सहारे केवल यात्रा को सीमित करते- करते समाप्त करना चाहते है जिसको हिन्दू समाज स्वीकार नहीं करेगा | इन्होने ही २००८ में अमरनाथ की जमीन वापस की थी और कहा था कि वे यात्रा की व्यवस्था करने में असमर्थ है | इनके इसी तर्क के कारण वहा की संवेदनशील स्थिति बिगड़ी थी और एक लंबा आन्दोलन चला था | शायद अब भी वे वैसी ही अप्रिय परिस्थिति फिर निर्माण करना चाहते है |
विश्व हिन्दू परिषद् इन परिस्थितियों से गृह मंत्रालय को अवगत कराना चाहता है | इसीलिए हम गत एक माह से मा. गृह मंत्री से मिलाने का समय मांग रहे है लेकिन उन्हें शायद हिन्दू समाज की भावनाओं की कतई चिंता नहीं है | ऐसा लगता है कि जम्मू कश्मीर के राज्यपाल के ये निर्णय केंद्र सरकार की मिली भगत से ही लिए जा रहे है | उनका कोई जवाब न आने पर हमने महामहिम राष्ट्रपति से भी मिलाने का समय माँगा| वे अभी विदेश यात्रा पर है | परन्तु वहा की संवेदनशील परिस्थिति के कारण अब इंतज़ार नहीं किया जा सकता | इसलिए हमने गृह मंत्री जी का पत्र उन्हें अंतरताने के माध्यम से भेज दिया है और महामहिम राष्ट्रपति जी का पत्र उनके कार्यालय में भिजवा दिया है | इसके बाद हम मा. प्रधानमंत्री से भी मिलने की कोशिश करेगे | यदि उनके पास भी इस महत्वपूर्ण विषय पर बात करने का समय नहीं है तो हम चुपचाप बैठकर हिन्दू हितो के साथ हो रहा खिलवाड़ बर्दाश्त नहीं करेगे | इसके बाद हम एक देशव्यापी प्रबल आन्दोलन करने के लिए बाध्य होगे |
६ मई से देशभर में ५१ लाख शिवभक्तो का भर्ती अभियान प्रारम्भ होगा जो अपने - अपने स्थानों पर ज्येष्ठ पूर्णिमा (४ जून) को शिव मंदिरों में जलाभिषेक कर भगवान शंकर से इन षडयन्त्रो को विफल करने की प्रार्थना करेगे | यात्रा के शास्त्रीय मुहूर्त ज्येष्ठ पूर्णिमा पर बाबा के दर्शन के लिए पूरे देश से ५१००० शिवभक्त २ जून को ही जम्मू पहुचेगे और उसके बाद यात्रा प्रारम्भ हो जायेगी | यदि केन्द्रीय सरकार इस स्थिति से बचना चाहती है तो विश्व हिन्दू परिषद् का उनसे आग्रह है के वे इसमे दखल दे और राज्यपाल महोदय को अपने दायित्व का पालन करने का निर्देश दे और अवधि को कम करने की जगह यात्रियों को अधिकतम सुविधाए देने काम करे | उन्हें इस वर्ष से ही हमेशा के लिए यात्रा को कम से कम २ महीने की करने की घोषणा करनी चाहिए जिसके लिए मा. उच्च न्यायालय ने भी स्पष्ट निर्देश दिए है | हर वर्ष मुहूर्त और अवधि के विषय पर विवाद खड़े करके न तो वे यात्रा का हित कर रहे है और न ही देश का |
डा. सुरेन्द्र कुमार जैन , केन्द्रीय मंत्री , विश्व हिन्दू परिषद्
संपर्क : ०९२१५१५१८२३
Obdurate irregularities in the conduction Amarnath Yatra
Amarnath & Baba Budhaa Amarnath Pilgrims Trust)
Office: Shakti Ashram, Purani Rihri, Jammu,
Jammu & Kashmir.
Jammu Office Phone:
Office: Ranvireshwar Mandir, Shalamar Marg, Jammu, Jammu & Kashmir.
Delhi Office: Sankat
Mochan Ashram, Sector-6, R.K.Puram, New Delhi –
110 022
Delhi Office Ph.: 011-26103495, 26178992; Mobiles: 09560018282, 09013102851
Delhi Office Ph.: 011-26103495, 26178992; Mobiles: 09560018282, 09013102851
Tithi: Baishakh Shukla 12, 2069 VS, i.e., May
03Thu, 2012 CE
Sadar Pranam &
Jai Baba Amarnath!
Subject: Obdurate
irregularities being committed in the conduction of
the sacred but
arduous Amarnath Yatra by the Sri Amarnathji Shrine Board (SASB) under the
stewardship of the present
Governor of Jammu
& Kashmir H.E. Sri Narendra Nath Vohra!
With humble respects and compliments, we wish to approach your high offices with the following submission:
Your learned-self knows well Sri Amarnath Cave Temple Pilgrimage – the challenging Yatra undertaken by the Sant Fraternity and the common devotees to Mount Amarnath at an Himalayan altitude of 13,500 ft surrounded by snowy mountains to have a holy glimpse and the blessings of Baba Amarnathji (King of Immortality, Truth & Light; Bhagwan Shiva) – has been in vogue since times immemorial, i.e., even during the Mahabharata period over 5,000 years ago it was venerated and celebrated as one of the ‘ancient’ Yatras pertaining to the grand network of Spirituo-Cultural Circuits of Bharatvarsh ensconced between the great Himalayan Ranges and the Seas. Negotiating with the now sweet and now rough weather and terrain, the Hindu lion-heart pilgrims have anyway been trekking and mountaineering to the Holy Shrine all the year round, but the mega Yatra taking place between Jyestha Purnima and Shraavan Purnima does have an outstanding significance in the calendar of activities there. The zeal and zest of the pilgrims never dwindled in spite of natural calamities and terrorist attacks. Instead the pilgrim traffic kept on mounting year after year. Some mishaps caused by vagaries of nature warranted the formation of ‘Sri Amarnathji Shrine Board (SASB)’ that came into being in 2001 CE whose duties, rights and scope of activities were defined under the 'Jammu-Kashmir Sri Amarnathji Shrine Board Act, 2000' by the State Government there. In addition, some express directions pertaining to this Act were issued by the Hon'ble High Court of Jammu & Kashmir. H.E. the Governor of the State was appointed the ex-officio Chairman of this important Shrine Board. In its initial years the Shrine Board facilitated and entertained the pilgrims by deliverance of several remarkable works. But, unfortunately, for the last some years the Shrine Board working under the stewardship of the present Governor of Jammu & Kashmir H.E. Sri Narendra Nath Vohra has unduly jumped its mandate and disturbed the landscapes and mindscapes thereby upsetting the Hindu society and also deteriorating the sensitive atmosphere of Jammu & Kashmir.
Some of the
controversial decisions taken by the present Governor are given hereby:-
In order for facilitation of the Amarnath Pilgrims the
Government of Jammu & Kashmir had made a provisional allotment of some plots of land
in the Amarnath Yatra district which was also validated by the
Hon'ble High Court. But intimidated by the conspiratorial hullabaloo and dust
raised by the separatists in the year 2008, the present Governor made an
unauthorized declaration of returning the said land to the Government. With
this defeatist declaration and by transferring the responsibility of running
this Yatra to the Government he had expressed his lack of ability. At that time
this unbecoming declaration had not only fired emotions in the sensitive region
of Jammu & Kashmir but also disappointed and frustrated the whole nation
and the entire global Hindu presence that forms 1/6th of the 7
billion global population.
(ii) It is
a matter of great happiness for all who look upon the State of Jammu & Kashmir as an
integral part of Bharat and celebrate the Amarnath Yatra as
the State’s greatest annual event that now this Yatra occupies
an outstanding position in the national and international pilgrimage map and
the pilgrimage now registers an expotential growth in terms of participation of
pilgrims which is why the Hon'ble High Court had also issued unambiguous orders
in 2004 that the period of this Yatra should be for two months. Till 2009 CE
the Yatra ran for 60 days. But in 2010, for some strange
reason, it was reduced to 55 days. Faced with protests from the Hindu society
and the Sant fraternity, His Excellency the Governor gave
assurances for a 60-day Yatra the following year. But when the
time for the Yatra came in 2011, he, under a mysterious
arbitrary move, curtailed the Yatra duration to 45 days. This
time round the ruse was that due to much ice cover the Yatra could
not be flagged off prior to 29th June. Discounting the strong
protests from the Hindu society he maintained an obdurate stance. In spite of
this the Yatra took off at the traditional ‘Muhurta’ (appointed
time), i.e., Jyestha Purnima – Fullmoon Day in the month
of Jyestha. But the situation then turned ridiculous when the Yatra was
held up thrice to gratify his stubbornness and also the excuse that he would
himself offer worship on 29th June. Every year by raising an
unwarranted controversy over the time-honoured fact of Yatra duration
including its flag off and the finale dates, H.E. the Governor has been
creating tempests and this atmosphere of uncertainty appears to be conspiring
to put a question mark on the future of the Yatra. If, commencing
from the month of April, the annual arduous 22,000 ft. high altitude Mansarovar Yatra and
the 12,000 ft. high altitude Kedarnath Yatra in challenging
mountainous terrain can run with gusto for an unbroken period of long six
months, why cannot the 13,500 ft. high altitude Amarnath Yatra run
for 60 days commencing on Jyestha Purnima (June 4) with finale
on Shraavan Purnima (August 2/Raksha Bandhan Day)!
(iii) Over 8 lakh
pilgrims are expected to turn up for the Yatra this year. If this 8-lakh
strong Yatra is stuffed into a 39-day scale from 25th June to
02nd August, 2012 as has been arbitrarily laid down by H.E. the
Governor, thereby contemptuously trashing the conventional 60-day scale without
rhyme or reason, then over 22,000 Yatris shall have to be accommodated per day
which will not at all be possible under the present arithmetic. If H.E. the
Governor remains adamant, there could be anarchy which might result in
casualties of pilgrims. Due to his adamant behaviour 131 Yatris died
last year. This must be avoided by increasing the duration of the Yatra,
i.e., conducting it from 04th June (not 25th June) to 02nd
August, 2012.
(iv) Instead of
performing his duties as set down by the Shrine Board Act, H.E. the Governor has been
hanging out with and propping up those things and activities that are expressly
prohibited by the Constitution of Bharat, the Sri
Amarnathji Shrine Board (SASB) Act and the Hon’ble Judiciary. His
mandate is for smooth conduction of and extensive & intensive
infrastructural facilitation for the Yatra including its
safety and security aspects. But, unfortunately, his energy and focus is
misspent every year on his misplaced keenness to meddle with the Yatra duration
and its traditional Muhurt. Articles 25 & 26 of the
Constitution of Bharat and the Orders of the Hon'ble High Court forbid any
obstructionism by any Government or Board in such a matter of national
importance that not only concerns the national society’s belief, faith and
worship but also ensures the country’s territorial integrity and national
unity. Given the great significance this august and pristine Shrine commands in
our national psyche and life, the unjustifiable annual acts of omission &
commission affecting this Yatra only serves directly or indirectly
the agenda of the separatists that do the bids of forces that handle them from
across the borders who, the world knows, want that this Yatra that
ensures Bharatiya integrity must be done away with at any cost
for all times to come.
(v) Still worse,
H.E. the Governor also entertains such irreverent members on the Shrine Board panel
that have no faith in Baba Amarnathji and the Yatra.
One contemptuous member says this Yatra endangers environment
and melts the glacier of the place. Everybody knows that there is no glacier
whatsoever there. By transmission of such fallacious, misplaced and misleading
pieces of their irreverent minds they strike at the roots of Hindu reverence
and faith and question the very raison d’etre of the natural Shrine, the
pristine Yatra and by extension all the Yatras in the Himalayas
and elsewhere. Yet another derisive member questions the scientificity and
raison d’etre of Baba Amarnathji. About 70% of manpower on the
Shrine Board is non-Hindu as against the time-honored universal principle that
people not identifying with or not subscribing to the school of belief, faith
and worship of a Shrine or a place of worship or a religion must not have a
locus standi on its Board or Trust. It is quite discernible as to whether the
present Shrine Board constituted on such anomalous and irreverent lines would
promote the cause of this sacred Yatra or ensure its uprooting
at the end of the day!
(vi) Your
Excellency, there are more such cases in point pertaining to the weird approach and
functional patterns of H.E. the Governor that strike at the roots of Hindu
faith and points of veneration. The unfair decisions being taken by him by
jumping the Constitutional mandates are upsetting more the situation of Jammu
& Kashmir and hurting ad infinitum the sensibilities of the Hindu society.
(vii) We,
therefore, hereby humbly request Your Excellency to –
1. Use your good offices to ensure that H.E. the Governor of Jammu & Kashmir honours the Hindu sentiments regarding Sri Baba Amarnath Yatra;
2. Have reconstituted the Sri Amarnath Shrine Board
(SASB) with inclusion of only those members in its rank & file that have Aasthaa (faith
and reverence) in Baba Amarnath;
3. The Muhurt and duration of the Yatra should
be determined as per the Hindu Astha and tradition which speaks of
the Yatra running from Jyestha Purnima (this year
falling on 04th June, 2012) to Shraavan
Purnima (August 02/Raksha Bandhan Day). So far as the question of vagaries
of nature and weather is concerned, it is a well-known fact that when it is bad
then every such Yatra remains in suspended animation and
awaits the situation turning fair. Such serene and prayerful wait under austere
and minimalistic conditions the pilgrims practice in this Yatra as
well. The Yatra last year had started on 29th June
as per the Governor’s plan, and even then the Yatra had to be
suspended for 6 times due to prohibitive weather conditions. Did not the
pilgrims practice patient wait that time round? Can the Governor guarantee that
if the Yatra begins on 25th June it won't be
4. In case the weather goes rough there is no arrangement for
the pilgrims to take shelter/cover. Therefore, at Pahalgam and Baltal proper
Permanent and safe 15-20 thousand capacity Yatra Houses with
all basic amenities should be put up;
5. Due to natural calamities sometimes adverse situations crop
up there, but there is only one hospital there and that too a very small one. Big
Hospitals may be set up at Baltal, Nunawar, etc., and small hospitals at 4-5
other points on the Yatra routes;
6. As the hills and mountains at Tirupati and Mata Vaishno Devi
have been designated as ‘Sacred Hills’ and ‘Sacred Mountains’, on similar
lines the Amarnath Mount and the area surrounding it and also covering all
possible conduits leading to it should be declared as Sacred Sri Amarnathji
7. The pilgrim traffic to Sri Amarnathji has been increasing
every year. The footfall during the coming 5 years may even register the 10-lakh
digit. Instead of the negative approach of putting a ceiling on the pilgrim
traffic, a Master Plan should be put in place immediately to address the
questions of putting up Permanent as well as makeshift Yatra Houses
en route including adequate supply of power and water, widened and paved roads,
big as well as small Hospitals, etc. This work schedule should be executed from
now on. The cooperation of the society may also be taken in this work.
(viii) Your Excellency, the Governor of a State functions as
your representative. A Governor’s activities, therefore, reflect on the standing of
your highest offices. If a Governor jumps his mandate and takes a wide off the
mark judgment and action that also upsets the trustworthiness of such a
dignified post of the country. We hope that the advice proffered by your
highest offices to H.E. the Governor of Jammu & Kashmir to honour the Hindu
sentiments with regard to Baba Amarnath Yatra and to meticulously observe his
constitutional mandate to always uphold the national interest and that of the
national society and his due acceptance of your advice would surely prevent the
situation in the State from further deteriorating. H.E. the Governor needs to
invoke the powers of his intuition and far-sight that would not only ensure the
country's integrity but also the integrity of the Shaiva Circuit in the Himalayan Ranges for one.
Thanking Your
Excellency in anticipation,
Yours in the
service of Maa Bhaarati and Dharma,
President, BA&BBAYN-Delhi Chapter