Viktor Yanukovych Wins Ukraine vote

PRO-RUSSIAN opposition leader Viktor Yanukovych declared victory in Ukraine's presidential run-off election and Orange Revolution seems buried. Tymoshenko, known for catalyst role of the 2004 Orange Revolution called for mass protests, had said she would call supporters into the streets if she deemed Sunday's election fraudulent.

( - Mykhailo Okhendovskyi, a member of the Central Electoral Commission, announced this at a news briefing."We will be hoping that the Central Electoral Commission will be able to obtain the originals of the protocols from all district election commissions, without exception, by the end of the week," Okhendovskyi said.

Okhendovskyi further adds that there was a delay in receiving electronic data about
the contents of the election-result protocols from polling-station election commissions in 10 regions.In particular, he expressed concern that the relevant data have not yet been received from six districts in the Crimea and the Luhansk region.
As Ukrainian News earlier reported, the Central Electoral Commission has received the originals of the election-result protocols from 14 of the 225 district election commissions in the country.The Central Electoral Commission's Chairman Volodymyr Shapoval has expressed confidence that the commission will announce the results of the presidential elections by February 17.Voting in the second round of the Ukrainian presidential elections took place on February 7 2010.

Ukrainian opposition leader Viktor Yanukovich held a narrow lead on Monday in a presidential election.Victor Yushchenko signed a Law of Ukraine “On Introducing Amendments into Law of Ukraine “On Election of President of Ukraine”.The official web site of the President reports this.As UNIAN reported earlier, the Verkhovna Rada adopted this law on February 3.

Ukrainians fear Victor Yushchenko could bring a retreat from Western democratic reforms and the muzzling of media and opposition parties.

Central Electoral Commission, 96.7 % of ballot papers were processed, and 48.39% of electors voted for Victor Yanukovych and 46 % of electors voted for Yulia Tymoshenko.An UNIAN correspondent from the Central Electoral Commission reports this.A gap between V. Yanukovych and
Yu. Tymoshenko makes up 2.39%.4.4% of electors did not support any candidate.

President of Ukraine Victor Yushchenko is about to order the Interior Forces of the Interior Ministry of Ukraine to guard outer perimeter of the Central Electoral Commission, and to order the State Guard Service to strengthen access control system in the CEC.According to an UNIAN correspondent, he said this today at the session on measures concerning legality and law order during the second round of election of the President of Ukraine.In V. Yushchenko’s words, in a couple of hours he is about to sign a decree on these measures.Yanukovych has claimed victory and his team kicked off festivities by calling on the prime minister to stay true to her claim of being a democrat and admit defeat.Around 5,000 of his supporters assembled today morning near a stage in Kiev adorned with the slogan "Ukrainians for a Fair Election," claiming to defend the results of the election.

Supporters danced in the street as a series of day-long concerts got under way despite frigid temperatures and flurries of snow.

Russia-friendly candidate Viktor Yanukovych held a narrow lead on Monday in a presidential election that seemed likely to spawn a court challenge from his opponent.No sign, of Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko followers up on her vow to bring protesters onto the streets in the event of defeat.

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